Friday, 16 October 2009

There's something fishy going on in Bury ...

Bury Market has quite a reputation and I couldn’t resist a potter through there today. Oh my! The variety of foodstuffs on display was baffling – quite baffling.

As I mentioned earlier, I had been looking forward to sampling black pudding, however it appears that they aren’t made from fish after all.

Not fish! Have you ever heard of such a thing? If they’re not made from fish, what are they made of? So, as you can see from the image above, I decided to stick with what I know. Prawns.

Bury was bustling today and so lots of people, young and old, came along to meet me there. But more important was the fact that they were very keen to hear how the NHS can help smokers quit their habit. Last year 950 people became smokefree with help from Bury PCT Stop Smoking Service. Wonderful news!

I’ve decided to dig out my brand new mp3 player today (I don’t have a Waddle-man any more, they’re so 1980) because I wanted to listen to Elbow – what a fine band they are, and from Bury too. Isn’t elbow an unusual word? I wonder if I have one?

One thing I do know is that I have a weekend of relaxation ahead – I really won’t know what to do with myself. So I’ll be back in fine feather on Monday, this time from Warrington in Cheshire.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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