Thursday, 8 October 2009

Charming Crewe

I’m in wonderful Crewe. Home of the Bentley. I’ve always fancied one of those – a Mark IV to be precise. But it would be utterly preposterous. I couldn’t get the insurance. Alas, this is probably the closest I’ll get to attaining my dream of a wedding car business bearing the name Percy…

Sorry, back to business. Crewe is a transport hub dontcha’ know? And its rail heritage is known all over the globe – even in Antarctica where trains are few and far between. I understand it was the first station in the world to have its own railway hotel. The Crewe Heritage Centre tells the tale of this Cheshire town’s glorious railway history. Unfortunately it wasn’t open during my visit. But that just gives me another reason to return.

I joined my chums in the smokefree team and, by jove, they’re doing stirling work here. The leaflets are flying out and the signatures are stacking up – the smokers of Crewe are all for this ‘packing in’ lark. Our team even managed to sign up someone who was out and about collecting for charity! Bingo!

Quite right too! Smoking is dreadfully bad for us all and the smokefree advisors I’ve met over the last week or so tell me that giving up smoking is the best thing anyone can do to improve their health.

I’ve was delighted to meet some of Crewe’s Polish population here today. And, since I’m quite the linguist, it was the work of a moment to say:

Witam. Nazywam sie Percy Pingwin. Ptzybylem tutja z Antarktyki aby przekonac jak najwiecej osub do zapisania w kampanii Smokefree North West. Wspaniale jest być w Crewe i spotykac tak wqiele polakow z miejscoiwosci. Jeśli jestes palaczem mam nadzieje iż skontaktujesz się z lokalnym zespolem rzucania palenia i pozwolisz im pomuc sobie rzucic papierosy. Wtedy moja podroz dookoła swiata będzie warta chwili.*

I’ve just been told this is worm charming country. ‘What’s that?’ I hear you ask. Let me enlighten you; each summer the good folk of these parts gather nearby (in Nantwich last time around) to hold the World Worm Charming Championships. It’s a great pity I missed out on that. I fancy I might have been rather good and I’ve never tasted worm before.

Toodlepip! I’m off to Birkenhead tomorrow – see you there.

* Translation: “Hello, I'm Percy the Penguin. I've travelled from Antarctica to help persuade as many people as possible to sign up for the Smokefree North West campaign. It's fantastic to be here in Crewe today and wonderful to meet so many of the town's Polish community. If you are a smoker, I really hope you will contact your local stop smoking team and let them help you give it up - then you really will have made my journey around the world worthwhile! Good luck!”

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